Minicuci Nadia
Senior research scientist
c/o Complesso Biologico Interdipartimentale
A. Vallisneri
Viale Giuseppe Colombo 3
35121 Padova
Tel 049-8211226
Fax 049-8211818
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Health-related statistical modeling
Research summary
Statistical modeling, such as Bayesian networks, Grade of Membership model, Structural Equations Model, Path analysis, applied to cross-national health surveys to understand the nature of the epidemiological transitions and provide insight into potential causal explanations for cross-country differences in health, physical and cognitive functioning, wellbeing and social networks.
Study of the genetic variance of selected polymorphisms to identify a potential personalized pharmacological therapy for breast cancer
Lab Site
Representative publications
Biritwum RB, Mensah G, Minicuci N, Yawson AE, Naidoo N, Chatterji S, Kowal P. (2013)
Household characteristics for older adults and study background from SAGE Ghana Wave 1. Glob Health Action. Jun 11;6:20096
Kowal P, Chatterji S, Naidoo N, Biritwum R, Wu Fan, Lopez Ridaura R, Maximova T, Arokiasamy P, Phaswana-Mafuya N, Williams S, Snodgrass JJ, Minicuci N, D'Este C, Peltzer K, Boerma JT, and the SAGE Collaborators (2012)
Data Resource Profile: The World Health Organization Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). International Journal of Epidemiology. Dec;41(6):1639-1649.
Lloyd-Sherlock P, Minicuci N, Beard J, Chatterji S (2012)
Social protection and preventing illness in developing countries: Establishing the health effects of pensions and health insurance. International Social Security Review, Volume 65, Issue 4, Oct, 51-68
N. Minicuci, M.Noale, E.M. León Díaz, M.Gómez León, A. Andreotti, M. Mutafova (2011)
Disability-free life expectancy: a cross national comparison among Bulgarian, Italian and Latin American older population. J Aging Health. Jun;23(4):629-81.
A.Santoro, P.Siviero, N.Minicuci, F.Olivieri, F.Marchegiani, A.M.Chiamenti, L.Benussi, R.Ghidoni, B.Nacmias, S.Bagnoli, A.Ginestroni, E.Bellavista, M.Mishto, O.Scarpino, E.Feraco, W.Gianni, G.Cruciani, R.Paganelli, A.Di Iorio, M.Scognamiglio, L.M.E.Grimaldi, C.Gabelli, S.Sorbi, G.Binetti, G.Crepaldi, C.Franceschi (2010)
A prospective observational study on the effect of donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine in 938 Italian Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. CNS Drugs. Feb 1;24(2):163-76
Andreotti, N. Minicuci, S. Chatterji, P. Kowal (2009)
Multidimensional profiles of health status: an application of the Grade of Membership model to the World Health Survey. Plos-One. 4(2):e4426.
N.Minicuci, M.Noale, C.Bardage, T.Blumstein, D.J.H.Deeg, J.Gindin, M.Jylhä, S.Nikula, A.Otero, NL.Pedersen, SMF.Pluijm, MV.Zunzunegui, S.Maggi, for the CLESA working group (2003)
Cross-national determinants of quality of life from six longitudinal studies on aging: the CLESA project. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. Vol. 15, No.3, 187-202