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Breaking TADs: an emerging pathogenic mechanism exemplified by Autosomal Dominant demyelinating LeukoDystrophy (ADLD)
Giorgio Elisa, Dep. Medical Sciences - Medical Genetics Unit- Università di Torino

Milano, 23.02.2018


Exciting cells on-a-chip: relevance for neurodevelopmental disorders
Nael Nadif Kasri, Radboud University Medical Centre; Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour; Department of Human Genetics, Nijmegen, NL.
Milano 9.02.2018


Infiammazione nello stroke 
Carlo Perego, Laboratorio di Infiammazione e Malattie del Sistema Nervoso Istituto Mario Negri
Pisa 21.12.2017


Investigating hippocampal plasticity and representations using light microscopy
Alessio Attardo, Dept. of Stress Neurobiology and Neurogenetics Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany
Milano 15.12.2017


Automatic diagnosis and extraction of biomarkers through artificial intelligence
Christian Salvatore, CNR-Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology (IBFM) Laboratory of Innovation and Integration in Molecular Medicine (INLAB), Milan
Milano 1.12.2017