Corso Barbara
Research scientist
c/o Complesso Biologico Interdipartimentale
A. Vallisneri
Viale Giuseppe Colombo 3
Padova 35121
Tel 049-8218898
Fax 049-8211818
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Health-related statistical modeling
Research summary
Implementation and application of models on cross-sectional and longitudinal studies harmonizing big survey datasets from national and international studies with the purpose of making cross-countries comparison on health conditions and habits, cognitive and physical functions.
Genetics of common complex diseases through the application of linkage analysis techniques, Genome Wide Association Studies, candidate gene approach and microRNA expression analysis.
Representative publications
D’Arrigo S, Gavazzi F, Alfei E, Zuffardi O, Montomoli C, Corso B, Buzzi E, Sciacca FL, Bulgheroni S, Riva D, Pantaleoni C. “The diagnostic yield of array CGH is high regardless of severity of intellectual disability/developmental delay in children” J Child Neurol. Oct 28
Lipner E, Tomer Y, Noble JA, Monti M, Lonsdale J, Corso B, Greenberg DA. "Linkage Analysis of Genomic Regions Contributing to the Expression of Type 1 Diabetes Microvascular Complications and Interaction with HLA" J Diabetes Res. vol. 2015. Article ID 694107, 9 pages, 2015
Lloyd-Sherlock P, Corso B, Minicuci N. "Widowhood, socio-economic status, health and wellbeing in low and middle-income countries" J Dev Stud. 2015; 51(10): 1374-1388
Pezzolo E, Modena Y, Corso B, Giusti P, Gusella M. “Germ line polymorphisms as predictive markers for pre-surgical radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: a 5-year literature update and critical review” Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2015 May; 71(5): 529-39
Mattioli F, Stampatori C, Bellomi F, Scarpazza C, Galli P, Guarneri C, Corso B, Montomoli C, Niccolai C, Goretti B, Amato MP, Riboni E, Tomasina CD, FalautanoM, Capra R. "Assessing executive function with the D-KEFS sorting test: normative data for a sample of the Italian adult population" Neurol Sci. 2014 Dec; 35 (12)
Corso B, Greenberg DA. "Using linkage analysis to detect gene-gene interaction by stratifying family data on known disease, or disease-associated, alleles" PLoS One. 2014 Apr 1;9(4)