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Colombo Giancarlo

Giancarlo ColomboDirector of research
Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato
S.S. 554, Km 4,5
09042 Monserrato (CA)
Tel 070-6754342
Fax 070-6754320
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Research summary

My major research topics focus on the following:
- Investigation of the role of the GABAB receptor in the mediation of the central effects of alcohol
- Investigation of the neurochemical and behavioral bases underlying alcohol use disorder
- Identification of novel pharmacotherapies for alcohol use disorder
- Set up and validation of animal and experimental models of alcohol use disorder
- Investigation of the neurobiological bases underlying food and drug addiction

Representative publications

Maccioni P., Lorrai I., Marras M.F., Contini A., Capra A., Piras G., Caboni P., Gessa G.L., Colombo G., Elevated reinforcing and motivational properties of alcohol at the end of the nocturnal period in sP rats. Psychopharmacology 232:3585-3595, 2015.

Maccioni P., Vargiolu D., Thomas A.W., Malherbe P., Mugnaini C., Corelli F., Leite-Morris K.A., Gessa G.L., Colombo G. , Inhibition of alcohol self-administration by positive allosteric modulators of the GABAB receptor in rats: Lack of tolerance and potentiation of baclofen. Psychopharmacology 232:1831-1841, 2015.

Colombo G., Maccioni P., Acciaro C., Lobina C., Loi B., Zaru A., Carai M.A.M., Gessa G.L., Binge drinking in alcohol-preferring sP rats at the end of the nocturnal period. Alcohol 48(3): 301-311, 2014.

Agabio R., Colombo G., GABAB receptor ligands for the treatment of alcohol use disorder: preclinical and clinical evidence. Front. Neurosci. 8:140. doi:10.3389/fnins.2014.00140, 2014.

Maccioni P., Zaru A., Loi B., Lobina C., Carai M.A.M., Gessa G.L., Capra A., Mugnaini C., Pasquini S., Corelli F., Hyytiä P., Lumeng L., Colombo G. Comparison of the effect of the GABAB receptor agonist, baclofen, and the positive allosteric modulator of the GABAB receptor, GS39783, on alcohol self-administration in three different lines of alcohol-preferring rats. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 36:1748-1766, 2012.


Lab team