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27/04/2023 News: Enrica Strettoi nominated “ARVO Fellow 2023”


The title of ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) Fellow is an honor recognizing current ARVO members for their individual accomplishments, leadership and contributions to the Association.

ARVO Fellows serve as role models and mentors for individuals pursuing careers in vision and ophthalmology research and help further ARVO's vision "…to advance research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders."

Enrica Strettoi, a long-term member, has been part of the Annual Meeting Program Committee (Retinal Cell Biology Section), which organizes the scientific program of the annual conference, an event gathering thousands researchers from all over the world.

ARVO provides a unique window on vision research and for disclosing its main achievements: “In the years,”- Enrica Strettoi says-“ I remember witnessing the announcement of newly discovered retinal neurons with unexpected functions, learning about the development of human and animal OCT, sharing the magic of adaptive optics to visualize single, live photoreceptors of the human retina and, of course, the excitement following the first ocular gene therapy that restored vision in blind people. It is a privilege to be an ARVO Fellow”.