22/01/2018 The new challenge of Giacomo Rizzolatti - press release
The coordinator of the Parma section of the Institute of Neuroscience explains the importance of the join up with the Center for Epilepsy Surgery at the Niguarda Hospital
The coordinator of the Parma section of the Institute of Neuroscience explains the importance of the join up with the Center for Epilepsy Surgery at the Niguarda Hospital
The history of the Institute of Neuroscience and the introduction to the headquarter in Pisa are shown in the movie realized within the project of school-work alternation with Buonarroti High School in Pisa.
'From treatment to research: a journey to the border of neuroscience. The meeting between Niguarda Hospital in Milan and the Neurosciences in Parma' is the title of the conference hold on january, 18th with Giacomo Rizzolatti and Giorgio Lo Russo
Una nuova ricerca, finanziata dalla Fondazione Pisa, unisce le forze dell’Istituto di Neuroscienze del Cnr, dell’Unità Operativa di Neurologia dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana, dell’IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris di Calambrone e dell’Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del Cnr in un programma volto a contrastare il decadimento cognitivo e gli effetti deleteri della neuroinfiammazione nell’anziano.
Comunicato stampa Fondazione Pisa 05/12/2017
Discovered as a maternal infection causes neuronal deficit in the unborn child