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Bio-Enable project

Bio-Enable project

The Neuroscience Institute is partner of the Bio-Enable project, funded by the Tuscany Region through the ERAS Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Call for Proposals: Support for research infrastructures.
The project is aimed at the integration of several technology platforms to create a distributed research infrastructure capable of increasing the quality and quantity of support provided to the industries for the characterization and design of biomolecules, biomaterials, vaccines, bioactive molecules and drug delivery systems, in vitro, in cell and in-vivo.

In addition to the Neuroscience Institute, the funding consortium includes: the Magnetic Resonance Center (Cerm) of the University of Florence, the Institute of Biorobotics at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa) and the Department of Medical Biotechnology of the University of Siena. In particular, the Neuroscience Institute provides access to advanced imaging equipment for in-vitro and in-vivo biomolecules, including:
• JEOL transmission electron microscope
• LEICA Confocal microscope for imaging experiments on fixed tissues and living cells
• Two-photon microscope (Olympus) for in-vivo longitudinal imaging experiments
• Zeiss APOTOME Microscope
• Neurolucida / StereoInvestigator (Microbrightfield) for morphometric analysis

Beneficiaries of Bio-Enable are small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the regional territory, the Large Tuscan companies and other companies operating in Italian and European markets. The Partners provide the new infrastructure with the platforms already available and the new equipment to be acquired within the project. In particular, Bio-Enable has made possible to purchase a modern multifoton microscope, recently installed at the Institute of Neuroscience in Pisa. Further information can be found at:

(photo microscope 1)
(photo microscope 2)
