Allegra Mascaro Anna Letizia
- Dettagli
- Visite: 7888
Research scientist
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1
56124 - Pisa
Tel 050-3153205
Fax 050-3153220
Multi-modal optical imaging of cortical plasticity after stroke
Our main goal is to investigate cortical plasticity after injury by using a combination of optical imaging techniques. In detail, we are interested in studying neuronal rewiring after stroke, from cortical remapping of functional areas to synaptic plasticity. We further apply rehabilitation protocols to study how they act on cortical rewiring and promote recovery of motor functions.
Wide-field fluorescence microscopy combined with genetically encoded fluorescent reporters of neuronal activity allow visualization of cortical remapping over large areas during rehabilitative training. In addition, we use optogenetic stimulation to investigate effective inter- and intra-hemispheric connectivity through an all-optical approach. Finally, two-photon fluorescence microscopy is used to zoom in to the synapse level and reveal details of the plasticity of specific classes of neurons.
Representative publications
*Allegra Mascaro, A.L.; Cesare, P.; Sacconi, L.; Grasselli, G.; Mandolesi, G.; Maco, B.; Knott, G.W.; Huang, L.; De Paola, V.; Strata, P.; Pavone F.S. (2013) In vivo single branch axotomy induces GAP-43 dependent sprouting and synaptic remodeling in cerebellar cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 25;110(26):10824-9;
*Allegra Mascaro, A.L.; Silvestri, L.; Sacconi, L.; Pavone, F.S. (2015) Towards a comprehensive understanding of brain machinery by correlative microscopy. J Biomed Opt. Jun;20(6):61105
*Allegra Mascaro, A.L., Costantini, I., Margoni, E., Iannello, G., Bria, A., Sacconi, L., Pavone, F.S. (2015) Label-free near-infrared reflectance microscopy as a complimentary tool for two-photon fluorescence brain imaging. Biom. Optics Express, 6(11):4483-4492
Costantini, I., Ghobril, J.P., Di Giovanna, A.P., Allegra Mascaro, A.L., Silvestri, L., Müllenbroich, M.C., Onofri, L., Conti, V., Vanzi, F., Sacconi, L., Guerrini, R., Markram, H., Iannello, G., Pavone F.S. (2015) A versatile clearing agent for multi-modal brain imaging. Sci Rep. 7(5):9808
Silvestri, L.; Allegra Mascaro, A.L.; Costantini, I., Sacconi, L.; Pavone, F.S. (2014) Correlative two-photon and light sheet microscopy. Methods 66(2):268-272
(*Corresponding Author)