24/11/2021 News: 3rd National Workshop Biotech
We are glad to invite you to the 3rd National Workshop on Biotech organized by CNR and Unioncamere, with the collaboration of Federchimica / ASSOBIOTEC, Dintec, Chamber of Commerce of Padua and the 3 CNR Departments DSCTM , DiSBA and DSB, to which our IN Institute belongs.
IN participates as member of the FriendEurope-EEN consortium supporting SMEs towards technological development, internalization and innovation and as promoter of CNR technologies.
The event is aimed to promote basic research-enterprise synergy to the advancement of the biotechnological economy and is focused on health, smart food, research and innovation.
To attend, follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82781862567?pwd=Z1EwSStGa0dtTFFVTHpWcm9NTzF3UT09
For more information: https://promott.cnr.it/en/event/123/iii-national-biotech-workshop