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19/01/2018 The Institute of Neuroscience on CNR WebTv

The Institute of Neuroscience originated from the Neurophysiology Center commissioned at the beginning of  the 60s by professor Giuseppe Moruzzi, one of the most famous scholars in the field of brain, and it continued its activity under the direction of professor Lamberto Maffei. In the 70s to 90s it became an international resonance center for the study of vision, in which many researchers converged. In 2001 it transformed into the Pisan headquarter of the Institute of Neuroscience of the National Research Council (In-Cnr), which also includes other national offices (Padua, Milan and Cagliari) and has been directed by professor Tullio Pozzan first and by professor Michela Matteoli then.

Researchers at the Pisa headquarter are interested in several fields and in recent years the research lines have expanded. To date, while continuing the study of vision and development and plasticity of the nervous system, research lines include a series of diseases of the nervous system ranging from neurodegeneration to Alzheimer's disease, retinitis pigmentosa up to neurodevelopmental disorders and to traumatic and ischemic lesions of  CNS.

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