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Vannini Eleonora

foto_EV.jpgResearch scientist
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1
56124 - Pisa
Fax 0503153220
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Research summary

My research activity is focused on the plastic rearrangements that occur in brain pathologies such as epilepsy and gliomas.

Over the last years I have been interested in evaluating the changes that happen during glioma growth and which relationship is established between glioma and the healthy peritumoral tissue. This project is object of many collaborations with other laboratories of CNR Neuroscience and Nanoscience Institutes and with Fondazione Pisa, in order to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic tools. 
immagine Golgi.jpg

Recently a collaboration with the University of Leicester (UK) was settled in order to investigate whether synaptic vesicles’ positioning and clustering might change in epilepsy.  

The approach of the lab relies on exploiting a combination of techniques such as in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics, behavioural tests, anatomical and biochemical analyses (immunohistochemistry, microscopy, imaging) to investigate circuit and synaptic modifications in central nervous system physiology and disease.





Representative publications

Parmigiani E, Scalera M, Mori E, Tantillo E, Vannini E. Old stars and new players in the Brain Tumor Microenvironment. Front Cell Neurosci. 2021

Vannini E, Mori E, Tantillo E, Schmidt G, Caleo M, Costa M., CTX-CNF1 Recombinant Protein Selectively Targets Glioma Cells In Vivo, Toxins 2021

Vannini E, Restani L, Dilillo M, McDonnell LA, Caleo M, Marra V., Synaptic Vesicles Dynamics in Neocortical Epilepsy, Front Cell Neurosci. 2020

Tantillo E, Vannini E, Cerri C, Spalletti C, Colistra A, Mazzanti CM, Costa M, Caleo M., Differential roles of pyramidal and fast-spiking, GABAergic neurons in the control of glioma cell proliferation, Neurobiol Dis. 2020

Vannini E, Maltese F, Olimpico F, Fabbri A, Costa M, Caleo M, Baroncelli L. “Progression of motor deficits in glioma-bearing mice: impact of CNF1 therapy at symptomatic stages”. Oncotarget 2017

Vannini E, Olimpico F, Middei S, de Graaf E, McDonnell L, Ammassari Teule M, Schmidt G, Fabbri A, Fiorentini C, Baroncelli L, Costa M, Caleo M. “Electrophysiology of glioma: Rho GTPase activation spares neuron structure and function”. Neuro-Oncology 2016

Vannini E, Restani L, Pietrasanta M, Panarese A, Mazzoni A, Rossetto O, Middei S, Micera S, Caleo M. “Altered sensory processing and dendritic remodeling in hyperexcitable visual cortical networks”. Brain Structure and Function 2016